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Stories, practical resources & thought-provoking articles to help mobilize God's people in Canada to be fruitfully engaged with God, on mission.


Every Day Mission: A Kairos Story

One thing the Kairos course gave me was a fuller awareness that I'm always on mission and the seemingly trivial details of life often can give me an opportunity to fulfill that mission. 

A great example of this was what happened when I went to the hairdresser several kilometres from my house. My sisters had recommended this particular hairdresser saying she was from Iraq and had the same first name, Amina, as one of my friends who is also from Iraq...

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A Prayer for the New Year

As we begin the new year, let’s pray...

"Father, at the outset of 2024, we come as a Simply Mobilizing community. We come to worship You, the Mighty Creator God, who has made a way for peace and joy and forgiveness through relationship with Jesus. I marvel at how you walked into my family and life when I was 13, and how you walk with us today, broken and frail as we are. We adore you and take this moment to personally express that..."

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A Kairos Story: A Journey of Missional Living

It's incredible how enlightening, inspiring, and challenging it can be to take the Kairos course, but the excitement quickly fades away after a week or two, and soon we tend to go back to our old daily routine. But there's one couple who, after living a typical Christian life, realized how their lives should be realigned, fitting into the greater scheme of God's mission, and, step by step, followed God's lead, embarking on a journey of missional living that has kept them passionate for years.

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A Kairos Story: Serving Afghan Refugees In Toronto

Edwin reflects on his journey, over the last few years, of connecting with Afghan refugees in Canada, and how God opened doors and orchestrated encounters beyond his expectations!

A Kairos Story: The Course that Changed my Culture

It had barely been two weeks since I had completed the Kairos course when it happened. It wasn’t planned. All I did was go to 7-11 to buy cream ...

From Intention to Action

Have your intentions turned to action? Or have you found your motivation fizzling away with the distractions and busyness of life? If so, you are not alone...

Modern Day Daniels

God is looking for modern-day Daniels to bring his message of hope amid the chaos and noise the world creates to distract people from the truth of the gospel.

In the Mess - On Mission

A wildly dazzling red prom dress appeared recently in national newspapers. Unlike the above image, with a picturesque background, this image shows a Ukrainian senior standing in front of her town’s bombed out school. It was graduation season in the Ukraine. The beauty of life, purpose with intention, stood starkly in contrast with the destruction and despair of context ...

A Day in a Life on Mission with God

What does a day in a life on mission with God look like?

Luchie shares about one Sunday earlier this year, and the people God brought across her path that day. 

Understanding God's Heart for Myanmar

A testimony from a Kairos Alumna.

"I have realized that God is the one who controls and prepares everything. He has already arranged everything, and He is willing to patiently change and move me, such a trivial person, to prepare my heart and to take me step by step along the way to unlock the fullness of everything He has prepared."