Prayer for the Buddhist World
Lorna Johnston /
Wednesday, January 11, 2023
In 1993 a prayer movement was launched that continues to this day. Most of us will have participated at some level in it. I’m referring to the 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World initiative that occurs annually while Muslims are fasting and praying during the month of Ramadan. This year that prayer initiative will launch March 22.
The fruit of these prayers is impossible to measure, but in the 30 years of focused praying for Muslims around the world, we’ve seen a steady and increasing responsiveness of Muslims to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Thirty years ago, it was rare to know someone who had left Islam to follow Jesus Christ. Now we not only know many Muslim Background Believers, but some are now leading fruitful ministries and disciple-making initiatives! God hears and answers our united, persistent prayers for lost people.
January 22, 2023 is Lunar New Year—an important celebration for the Chinese and Buddhist world. It has only been a couple years since the first Buddhist World Prayer Guide was broadly distributed. Until now the Buddhist world has been more resistant to the types of disciple-making breakthroughs that are starting to be seen in the Muslim world. I believe that is because the ‘soil’ has not been prepared through the persistent, united prayers of God’s people.
I encourage you to read Matthew 13 in preparation to accept the invitation below to join with the worldwide church in praying for the Buddhist world. Let’s be part of the ‘soil-preparing’ force, who through prayer are preparing hearts to be receptive ‘good soil’ to the gospel ‘seeds’ that will be scattered.
From January 2nd, we are inviting you to pray with us for the Buddhist World, with a special focus on the country of China. The 21 Days of Prayer culminates on January 22, Chinese New Year with a 24-Hour online worldwide Day of Prayer! The specially written Buddhist World Prayer Guide has been translated into ten languages and distributed through more than 1000 prayer networks worldwide.
Do join us! - You will be participating with more than 2 million Jesus followers in intercession for our Buddhist neighbors.
Buddhist World Prayer Guide
Lorna Johnston is the Diaspora Ministries Leader at Outreach Canada. She leads two national teams--Loving Muslims Together (LMT) and Simply Mobilizing Canada (SMC). She works with teams of diverse and experienced leaders and ministries across Canada to alert and activate the church in Canada to the changing opportunities to engage God's mission right here in Canada.

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