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Praying for the Chinese Christian Community of Canada

Alfred Chui /Saturday, July 13, 2024

Praying for the Chinese Christian Community in Canada

The Chinese Christian community in Canada is a vibrant and growing part of the country's multicultural mosaic. As of recent estimates, there are approximately 1.77 million Chinese Canadians, with a significant portion identifying as Christians. Toronto and Vancouver are home to the largest Chinese Christian populations, with numerous churches and religious organizations serving these communities. Chinese Christians in Canada are involved in various activities, including worship services, Bible studies, and community outreach programs. Statistics show that around 10-15% of Chinese Canadians identify as Christian, reflecting the broader diversity within the community.

Alfred Chui, Chinese Language Coordinator with Outreach Canada, has shared these powerful prayer points with us as we lift up our brothers and sisters in Christ!


As a group of Canadian Chinese Christians, we come at the feet of our heavenly Father to… 

  • Ask for the realization of our unique Chinese culture to facilitate Gospel movement and not an excuse to be in silo, 
  • Request a humble posture not to let a foreign culture be the barrier but rather an opportunity to enrich the understanding of the Gospel, 
  • Praise and give thanks for the growth and development of Chinese churches in Canada in the past years, 
  • Be aware of the strategic position of the Canadian Chinese churches to bring the Gospel cross-culturally, especially to the unreached people groups, 
  • Not be satisfied with running programs to have numeric growth but to become a missional church with all God’s people to be on mission with God, 
  • Not to worry about young people leaving the church, but to create platforms for different generations to work together to experience God’s presence, 
  • Not to worry about not having a senior pastor but to focus on bringing the congregation to live a Christ-centred life under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  

Join us in lifting up these yearnings and requests to our God!


Alfred practiced physical therapy for over 25 years before he joined North Edmonton Alliance Church in 2009 first as the English pastor then as the senior pastor in 2013 until December 31, 2018. He and his wife Charis relocated to Richmond, B.C. in May 2019. Alfred joined Outreach Canada in July 2019 as the Simply Mobilizing (SM) Canada Chinese Language Coordinator, implementing, maintaining and expanding the Kairos and other SM courses to mobilize Canadian Chinese diaspora Christians and their next generations to reach and disciple all nations.


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