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Praying for Ontario

Randall Mah /Sunday, July 28, 2024

Praying for Ontario

Ontario is home to 40% of the population of Canada, with the Greater Toronto Area containing just over 6 million people alone. How can we mobilize the local churches to reach out?

The Kairos course was first launched in Toronto, Ontario, in 2013 and has continued to make its way through the Greater Toronto Area and beyond. The course has now travelled through Hamilton and Oshawa, as far west as Windsor, to the shores of Lake Huron on the Bruce Peninsula, and even to our nation's capital, Ottawa!

In Toronto (and across Ontario), Kairos has allowed its alumni to see the ethnic and cultural diversity God is bringing to our doorsteps; motivating them to reach out and develop cross-cultural relationships and friendships in our neighbourhoods and workplaces.

Need for the Renewal of Vision

Please pray with us for the following:

  1. The Development and Commitment of a Regional Coordination Team: Ontario’s vast population and sheer size and distance make it imperative that we have a strong team to help with the strategy and implementation of launching and running Simply Mobilizing courses.
  2. For Our Head Facilitators: They would regain their energy and conviction to organize courses since the shutdown of COVID-19 in 2020.
  3. Revival Among All Our Facilitators: Pray for connection with each other, that they would be an encouragement and strength amongst their teams.
  4. Strategy and Unity: To identify the common regions that can work together to raise up leaders that will oversee them.



Praying Across Canada

During the summer, we are excited to have guest contributors from across the country share their hearts for their communities. We are so blessed to be able to join with them in strategic prayer as we see God move across Canada!

Join us in this work. Lend us a hand through prayer so that many will give thanks for the gift that comes to us when God answers the prayers of so many.
2 Corinthians 1:11 (The Voice)


Population Distribution by Religious Affiliation Across Canada 2021Click to expand image


Randall Mah has been involved with Simply Mobilizing through the introduction of the Kairos course in 2012 and has been a Head Facilitator since 2013.  He is currently the Ontario Regional Coordinator for Simply Mobilizing and serves with Wycliffe Bible Translators as a Mobilize and Recruiter.  He is married to Rita and has 2 children, Tabitha and Jairus. 


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