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Prayer for Simply Mobilizing International Conference

Valerie Penney /Thursday, September 14, 2023


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Prayer For International Conference


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Friends, with a countdown on to the Simply Mobilizing Global Conference, will you recognize and fully admit that it can't happen the way we envision it happening without God moving in spectacular and special ways? It's not within our power to bring national coordinators from every country that desires to come. It is not within our power to see lives touched and encouraged in this mobilization journey of seeing all God's people on mission with him. And so, would you join me in a simple prayer of asking God to intervene on behalf of those who need to be at the conference, and when we gather for God to do something special by His Spirit? Let's pray.  

Father, we see this list of people who are coming from nations around the world:

  • From Cambodia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Singapore, from Vietnam, Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Japan, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
  • From Mongolia, Russia, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, the UAE and Turkey.
  • From Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Burundi, Burkina Faso, Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Gambia, Nigeria, Benin, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Namibia.
  • From Haiti, Canada and U.S.  
  • From Argentina, Brazil, Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Peru, Puerto Rico, and Venezuela. 
  • From Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, and the U.K. 
  • And yes, from Australia and New Zealand.  

God, you know how people are waiting for their visas. You know how there are national coordinators and delegates who aren't sure today that they can join us at this gathering. Father, I pray that you would move that paperwork along, that those applications sitting on officials' desks would move. And by your Spirit, you would provide each one with the visas that they require.  

Beyond the visas, we know that there's a financial need in order to be able to fly to Chiang Mai, Thailand. And so, God, I pray that you would release those funds among your people, Lord, that those who have can support those who need and that your church would be edified.  

Father, when we gather at the end of September for those four days together, Lord, I pray that your Spirit will move as we gather for the opening session on September 25th. May there be a sense of your presence, a united focus on why we have gathered to see all God's people on mission with you. I thank you for the privilege and opportunity that Simply Mobilizing affords for many to participate in this global event. Father, I pray that you would do something unprecedented in each delegate's heart, and in those who can't attend but will keep up to speed with our daily updates. Father, may you have mercy on this world that needs the gospel. And may you somehow use us as we surrender to you Lord to do your purposes. Lord, lead. Provide. Move in unprecedented ways through this gathering.  

In Jesus' mighty name, we pray. Amen.  

Valerie Penney serves on the Simply Mobilizing National Coordination Team as the Atlantic Region Coordinator, and works for Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada International Missions, equipping leaders globally. She and her husband Fred found themselves living in Newfoundland in 2018, back to the community where Fred grew up. On a free afternoon, they may be found hiking the East Coast Trail or Face-Timing with their three granddaughters.


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