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My Simply Mobilizing Conference Story: Felix

Felix Oppong-Kyekyek /Wednesday, December 6, 2023


My Simply Mobilizing Journey

My journey with Simply Mobilizing began in 2016 with the Kairos course. I enrolled in the course not only for growth in my understanding of the Mission of God and His Church, but as the Mission leader in my local church, l was looking for a simple course to educate and inspire our congregation for active engagement in Mission. Halfway through the course, l had a strong conviction that God was calling me into the ministry of Mission Mobilization. After graduation, l signed up to train as a facilitator. Since then, l have conducted two courses in my local church and facilitated several courses both in person and online.  My passion for Mission Mobilization has greatly increased after going through other SM courses including: The Unfinished Story (TUS), Empowered to Influence (ETI) and Mobi 101. I am now in the process of becoming a Head Facilitator – Glory to God!  

My Experience at the Global Conference

I therefore felt that attending the SM Global Conference was an opportunity for me to hear what God is doing around the world, to listen and learn from like-minded people from different parts of the world who are involved in Mission Mobilization.

My excitement at the Conference began with the Interface seminar conducted by Max Chismon, the Simply Mobilizing International Director. I was challenged by the enthusiasm of our brothers and sisters from high security nations during the two-day seminar which focused on “Growing Missional Churches in Today’s World.”

The devotions, plenary and breakout sessions at the Conference, led by various leaders, were filled with encouraging, educative, and challenging messages, as well as uplifting testimonies and stories.  One of my key takeaways from the Conference was the emphasis Max placed on the importance of Mobilization, drawing the distinction between Mission and Mobilization, using the analogy of a husband and wife. The illustration has increased my level of understanding of the ministry of Prophetic Mobilization, which focuses on the harvest force, and Apostolic Mobilization, which focuses on the harvest fields. On my return from the conference, the burden to mobilize the Ministry leaders and the young adults in my local church continues to grow each day.  I have spoken to my Lead Pastor, and plans will soon be made to conduct the Interface seminar with all the Leadership teams. Looking forward to it.

On the whole, the Conference was a very refreshing one.  It was so exciting to meet fellow African leaders involved in Mobilization. Many connections were made for future collaboration to mobilize the African Church in Diaspora in Canada for active participation in the Mission of God. Beside the Conference sessions, the memories of authentic Thai food and delicious fresh coconut and mango smoothies, as well as the fun ride in a Tuk-Tuk on a rainy night on the streets of Chiang Mai will forever stick with me. As l reflect on the spiritual, emotional, relational, and intellectual benefits I have gained from the Conference, I consider that they are worth more than the long flight and the resources l spent. Looking forward to another Global gathering in the future, should the Lord tarry.

May the Lord bless our Director, Max, and his wife Dorothy, and all the organizers of this impactful Conference. Together, we can grow the Simply Mobilizing Movement to see All God’s People living a life on Mission with God and All Churches becoming Missional.

Felix Oppong-Kyekyeku serves as the Mission Director in his local church, Living Word Assembly of God in Toronto, Ontario, and a Simply Mobilizing Facilitator. Felix is passionate about reaching unreached people groups locally and globally, disciple-making, and a huge advocate for the Persecuted Church. Felix lives in Brampton, Ontario with his wife (Charity) and four children.


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